Friday, October 28, 2016

An Ecological Analysis of the Garden and Your Plants. Aidan Decremer

Some abiotic factors that our plant depends on are is the sunlight, the soil its planted in and the water it gets. The sunlight gives the plant the energy to photosynthesize. The soil gives the plant support for its roots, and it gives the plant nutrients. Then the water helps the plant survives. Some biotic factors that effect the plant is human activity and insects. Humans can accidentally step on plants causing the plant to die. And insects can eat plants.
Our plant is in competition with the plants around it for sunlight.
The plant that is bigger usually wins the competition for sunlight. It is sometimes hard to have a clear cut winner, but eventually you will see which plant better adapted to the conditions it was put in. Its hard to determine the winner because it takes a little while for plants to die and they can always somehow recover.
Our plant is also involved in a food chain. In this case our plant is a trophic level 1 being a producer for bugs and other small animals.
I think that secondary succession is occurring in the garden because there was soil in the boxes before we planted the saplings.

Biogeochemical Cycles and Your plants, Anthony Angeles

     The changes in my plants were that the leaves grew in size and it also grew in height. More plants (weeds) started to grow around the plants. In the water cycle the plant goes through transperation in which it "drinks" water through the roots and then goes through evaporation through the pores of the leaves, and it also receives water through precipitation. While the plant also go through the carbon cycle by taking in the carbon dioxide and converting it into sugars and other necessities. The nitrogen is getting to the plants through the soil which the plant absorbs the nutrients.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Biogeochemical cycles in your plants. Aidan Decremer

Our plant has not significantly  grown sense the last time I saw it. It has grown though. It has spread out a little more and has also made its leaves bigger. You can even start to see a little broccoli flower forming. Overall I think our plant is healthy and will start producing food soon.
Our plant plats into the water cycle by absorbing water from its roots and using that in the process to create glucose sugar. Our plant plays into the carbon cycle by taking it out of the air and and uses it in photosynthesis. Our plant also participates in nitrate fixation which involves bacteria in the plants roots to break down nitrogen into ammonia. The plant then absorbs it through its roots.