Friday, September 23, 2016

About our project

          Our project, the story of the seed, is a project where we watch a tiny seedling grow and develop into something so much more valuable. In the beginning the Seed Germination lab is the very first part to this wonderful journey, we grew Broccoli and watched them grow for a span of two weeks. We had to choose the ten healthiest seeds from the bunch of 0%, 1%, 4%, and 8% salt concentration, and to our surprise the 0% and 1% hand the healthiest. So we grab the seeds and put them in cups, and watch them grow to see there full potential (hopefully). Once they have grown to their adequate size we switch them to the raised beds out in our gardens, then we watch them grow to the vegetable giving size they should be.      

Friday, September 9, 2016

I am Anthony Angeles

I am Anthony and I'm from willow glen, CA. I live in the Santa Clara county when until I was 2, my parents are from Mexico and my sister were born in Santa Clara where I was born. My mother loves gardening and my sisters like to compost.

I haven't done gardening except for what my mother teaches me, and my sisters don't let me help with composts bins and my other sister has flowers and she has let me help her garden I have help with also our fruit trees in our backyard when I was younger. We have lemon, apple, fig, orange, and avocado. My mother has been a great inspiration to gardening, she hasn't officially taken a class in botany but she has gathered her knowledge through a variety of books of gardening. She has orchards in our sunroom and takes very good care of them, she also believes the conservation of the plant so she also has a bunch of  ferns and palm trees(mini) in and around the house